CENTER Carnegie Mellon UniversityCarnegie Mellon Computer Science DepartmentSchool of Computer Science
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Outreach Roadshow

Meshing Infrastructure Workshop:
A Mini Roundtable for Sharing Meshing Infrastructure, Research, and Resources

September 18, 2002
Ithaca, New York, USA
Held as part of the 11th International Meshing Roundtable

In the past decade there have been many important theoretical advances in algorithm design for meshing related problems, but only some of these have made it into meshing software. The goal of this Mini Roundtable is to build a stronger link between the theory and practice of meshing. The hope is both for the algorithms community to better understand the needs of applications and for applications community to more rapidly integrate algorithmic ideas into their software.
Towards this end it is important to develop a shared infrastructure that the algorithms community can use to make it easier to prototype code for their ideas. The infrastructure should include shared code, shared problem instances, and documented file formats for representing various geometric structures. Interesting research issues arise in deciding what some of the shared interfaces should be. For examples, how should curves surfaces be represented?
The goal is to have this first workshop to discuss our current state, and discuss possible ways to share infrastructure. Subgroups can then work on coming to consensus on mechanisms for sharing. We plan to have a follow-on workshop a year later to report back on results.

Organizers: Guy Blelloch, Gary Miller and Jonathan Shewchuck

This workshop is supported in part by the CMU Aladdin Center (funded by NSF) as part of a PROBlem-oriented Explorations (PROBEs). PROBEs study how theory can be more rapidly integrated into practice. The Aladdin Center can also support a repository for any shared code, interfaces, and working documents. There are also some funds for visiting researchers, including undergraduate and graduate students.
See the PROBE

List of speakers and titles:
Sept 18, 2002

Hour Speaker Title
8:30 Gary Miller Introduction
9:00 Steve Vavasis Ray-casting queries for curved geometry
9:30 Carl Olliver-Gooch Components of a Generic, Extensible Meshing Toolkit. abstract
10:00: Break
10:30 Lori Freitag The Terascale Simulation Tools and Technologies Center: Creating Interoperable Meshing and Discretization Components. abstract
11:00 Pat Knupp Mesquite
11:30 William Jones Open Framework for Unstructured Grid Generation
12:00: Lunch
1:30 Jonathan Shewchuk Pyramid
2:00 Nikos Chrisochoides Parallel Guaranteed Quality Delaunay Meshing: Algorithms and Software
2:30 Mark Shephard MEGA; interfacing with solid modelers
3:00: Break
3:30-5:00 ... Discussion



This material is based upon work supported by National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0122581.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
National Science Foundation