CENTER Carnegie Mellon UniversityCarnegie Mellon Computer Science DepartmentSchool of Computer Science
Research Experience for Undergraduates
Related Activities
Outreach Roadshow

Researching novel and important interactions between algorithmic theory and practice, the ALADDIN Center PROBEs (PROBlem-oriented Explorations) are of great interest and quite accessible to students. Many of these projects lend themselves naturally to undergraduate research. The ALADDIN Center is supporting seven undergraduate students this summer, working in teams with graduate students and guided by ALADDIN faculty, on a variety research mini-PROBEs (initiated and led by ALADDIN graduate students). The first month is spent exploring the literature and becoming familiar with the topic. During the second and third months, the students formulate the main questions, embark on the research, and implement code, then write up and present the results. All participants meet weekly to discuss their research progress, problems, and successes. At the end of the summer, a mini-symposium is held in which each student presents their work in a moderated session and has the results published on the ALADDIN web site.More Information about the symposia held during the summer of 2002

REU Summer 2003 Symposium

The ALADDIN REU Summer 2003 Symposium is scheduled for Thursday, August 14th, and Tuesday, August 19th. Full program

Mini-PROBEs for Summer 2003

Algorithms for Facility Location
Anonymous Communication
Designing Overlay Multicast Networks for Streaming
Dynamic Algorithms
Moving Mesh Simulations
Space-Efficient Point Location



This material is based upon work supported by National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0122581.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
National Science Foundation